Are all trailers dual axled?2021-10-12T13:46:10+00:00

Yes – this makes them a little easier to tow and a great deal easier to use when onsite.

Do all trailers come with shelves?2021-10-12T13:45:28+00:00

Some trailers come with shelving.

Do we deliver?2021-10-12T13:41:46+00:00

Yes we do. There may be a charge involved depending on the location and the hire duration.

How are the trailers powered?2021-10-12T13:43:02+00:00

Trailers can either be plugged into a standard household 10amp powerpoint or a generator.

What sized generator is required to run a trailer?2021-10-12T13:43:57+00:00

A generator of at least 5.5kva is required.

Do we sell our trailers?2021-10-12T13:44:43+00:00

Occasionally we’ll sell a trailer we upgrade.

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